KVK Lunglei Administrative BuildingKVK Lunglei Administrative Building

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lunglei District was established on 20th Oct, 1994. The functioning started in the year 2002 where the Kendra was looked after by the Principal, Integrated Training Centre (equivalent to Joint Director in the Agriculture Department of the State Government of Mizoram)along with the Integrated Training Centre.

          On 14th July 2008, the Krishi Vigyan Kendra started functioning as a separate establishment with the Programme Co-ordinator being the overall coordinator of the Kendra. On 2nd July, 2009 new Staffs were recruited. Since then KVK Lunglei has been functioning as an Innovative Science based Institution to impart Vocational Skill Training to the farmers & Field Level Extension Workers. Besides this, On-Farm Testing and Front Line Demonstrations on major Agricultural Technologies are conducted to make the training of farmers’ location specific, need-based and resource oriented. The training programmers of KVKs are designed to impart the latest knowledge to the farmers through work experience by applying the principles of ‘Learning by Doing’. The KVK imparts training as per needs and requirements in agriculture and allied enterprises to the farmers, farm women and farm youths including school drop-outs in the District. While designing these courses, the concept of farming system& farming situations are taken into account to ensure that the enterprise in which they are trained are viable ecologically and commercially and is also sustainable and profitable. The Vocational Training helps the trainees self-reliant economically. This will discourage them from migrating to urban areas. Lunglei District is located at 23023’259” – 22029’46” N Latitude and 92019’47” – 93011’39” E Longitude with the altitude ranging from 20 metres to 1758 metres. Most of the local inhabitants earn their livelihood through growing crops practicing agriculture and livestock management. The District consists of rugged terrain and rocky hilly areas with very steep slopes making agriculture a very difficult source of livelihood.

  • The rainfall pattern being another factor wherein there is heavy rain during May – September and almost drought like condition during December – March. At present there is a drastic change in the rainfall pattern due to climate change.
  • The farmers practice shifting cultivation i.e. Jhuming which is an age old practice followed since time immemorial. 
  • Poor connectivity in this hilly terrain causes grate problems in transportation of agricultural inputs and marketing of agricultural produce.
  • Non availability of agricultural inputs creates disaster for the farming community.
  • Lack of knowledge on health issues, hygiene, nutrition, Pest management and latest technology in agriculture.


Inspite of this hazards in agriculture and allied sectors the Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lunglei District has made many significant contributions to the farmers of the district to make their life healthy, knowledgeable and make their profession a more noble and successful one.

KVK Lunglei District feels it is an honor to receive the grand prestigious Best KVK Award (Zonal) 2015 under Zone III. The award consists of Rs. 1 Lakh + Rs. 2 Lakh for infrastructural development + Rs.1 Lakh for sharing among staff + Rs. 1 Lakh for training in Indian Institute for Programme Coordinators.

KVK Lunglei is using this award money for infrastructure development in the KVK Farm viz. Poultry demonstration Unit and construction of Farm Pond in the farm. This is ‘Seeing is Believing’ which will be  accomplished through demonstration in the KVK Farm which will help KVK Lunglei in demonstration of technology which will be made known to the farmers by seeing the demonstration unit. This will further help in adoption of the technology and horizontal spread of the technology to the farmers.