Event Date: 2020/09/18

Venue:  DFI Village Tuipui-D, Lunglei District

Objective of the event: Farmer's field day on the introduction of improved rice variety Manniphou-7. The practicing farmer's were still continuing cultivation of aged old local cultivars for long decades with less potential yield and and productivity. The introducing of Manniphou-7 was achieved on the objectives of getting higher potential yield and a way to replace the existing local cultivars. 

About the Event:  A Field Day program was successfully achieved at the DFI village Tuipui-D on the introduction of improved high yielding cultivar Manniphou-7. About 10 numbers of progressive farmers and practicing farm women participated the program. Farmers were taken to the demonstration site of the trial and interact on the various aspects of crop morphological and physiological characters of the variety. They ability of producing more numbers of effective tillers and short height of the variety they were much impress to the performance of the variety.