Event Date: 2019/09/11

Venue: KVK Training Hall, KVK Lunglei, Hnahthial

Objective of the event: 

i) To Vaccinate more than 500 Million Livestock including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs against Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).

ii) To Vaccinate 36 Million Female Bovine Calves annually in its fight against Brucellosis disease.

About the event: Launching of National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) for FMD and Brucellosis and National AI Programme(NAIP) was held at KVK Training Hall, KVK Lunglei, Hnahthial on the 11th Sept, 2019. The programme was started at 10:30 a.m. which was chaired by Dr. C.Lalremruata, Scientist (Animal Science). Technical report regarding the FMD & Brucellosis Vaccination alongwith AI Programme carried out by A.H & Vety Department, Govt. of Mizoram in and around Hnahthial District was given by Dr. C. Sanghluna (SDVO), Hnahthial. A short speech was delivered by the Chief Guest - Mr. C. Khamluaia, SDO (Sadar), Hnahthial and Dr. Lalmuanzovi, Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK Lunglei also delivered reports undertaken by KVK and the linkage between A.H. & Vety Department & KVK. The programme was attended by 107 livestock farmers within the District. A web telecast programme from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. was shown to the gatherings. Afternoon session was followed with Vaccination and AI Demonstration.